"I WILL be taken seriously!"

"I WILL be taken seriously!"

ANON ~ THE INTERVIEW by Paige Jessica

In the vast choppy seas of entertainment these days, be it on television or the internet, The Anonymous Musician ~ ANON - shines like a diamond in the rough and is not just your average joe schmo! 

As I worked with Anon on The Janella Jessica Showand slowly got to know him, I found him to be mysterious, interesting, intelligent, a pretty good music creator and singer and often times dark with a melancholy heart but also a bright, glowing soul. 

I also watched in awe, as Anon's music and videos blossomed over the course of 2013! Like a dirty old canvas in a rain soaked alley just longing to be painted on, to a shiny masterpiece that could proudly hang in a pristine gallery! Since Anon is getting ready to do a makeover and overhaul of his image for 2014 to prepare for a 'different kind of music career' - we thought an interview with the all seeing eye, mask wearing phenomenon would be an interesting adventure! 

I met with ANON at the basement studios of TWENTY SOUTH PRODUCTIONS. He walked in, coffee in one hand and cigarette blazing in the other, in a black turtleneck and his signature lightning bolt bling, to have what turned out to be a very in depth and interesting conversation!  It went a little somethin' like this! >>>