"I WILL be taken seriously!"

"I WILL be taken seriously!"


P> Good Morning! I guess I'll call you, MISTER Anon? 

A> [laughs] Just ANON will be fine!

P> So, let me start by saying that I truly enjoy your music and videos!

A> Thank you! That means a lot!!

P> How did you get your name?

A> Well.....when I was hired to be the musical producer of The Janella Jessica Show in January of 2013, I wanted to portray a man of mystery, anonymity, less ego and more musician so...The Anonymous Musician was born! And as time passed, everyone just called me ANON. Of course, if you google my name to find my Youtube channel or websites, mostly the hacktivist group Anonymous comes up..grrrr...but I am in no way associated with that group! [laughs]

I don't even know if it's a copyrighted name, The Anonymous Musician or ANON, or if I'll ever even be able to copyright it for myself but...it is my name now!

P> The Janella Jessica Show is kind of how you got your start. What was it like doing the show and why did the show even exist?

Pencil drawing of the cast of The Janella Jessica Show
by artist Jason C.

A> The fictitious entity of Janella Jessica wanted to start a Youtube Sensation and maybe earn a few bucks via Google Adsense. We heard of success stories like people making six figures a year per their millions and millions of views on each video they did...bla bla bla. We didn't have any money to work with so we relied on support of friends and word of mouth...and we got almost no support at all! We had a few dedicated fans and we were so gratful for them but it just wasn't enough to get the show off of the ground!

 We researched and researched all the available information on the "how to-s" of getting millions of views without having money for any promotion...it just didn't work. TJJS was a variety show of sorts with various plastic dolls and story lines, poetry and of course...my music...but I think the ENTIRE channel's views (60+ videos) has less than 3,000 views to date. One single video with less than 3,000 views is considered sad, so that number with 60+ videos (an entire channel) is beyond sad! 

But, I would not have discovered my calling in life (music and video making) if the show had never existed so it did serve a purpose! It was FUNNY too, it really was. I believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason though!

P> Indeed...me too!