"I WILL be taken seriously!"

"I WILL be taken seriously!"


P> Well, I imagine that you're tired of me asking you a million questions and hearing the sound of my voice!

A> I'm enjoying this, actually!

P> I'll bring this interview to a close with one last question. What are your goals for 2014 and the "NEW ANON" - Post Janella Jessica Show?

A> To tell you the truth...I'm not sure! [LOL]
I would love to have a following! I desire what all artists desire I think: acceptance, appreciation and recognition for my talent. On the other hand, I am some what of a rebel so my own brain contradicts itself on a daily basis!
I know I'm never going to be some huge rock star with a record company who tours (touring = YUK for me) but that was never my goal!

I have arrived late in life, to this music thing but it is my passion now! And I know I don't have the greatest singing voice, not the best dancer, not a legendary composer or guitarist - but I am confident that I do have something to offer this world - music and videos to make people think, feel good and embrace LIFE...while I'm still here and after I leave this body one day!
Would I like to earn money from some sort of ANON franchise? Yes, of course! Am I going to be able to sell my songs? Who knows...probably not. Would I like to be able to sell ANON merchandise like shirts, art, clothes, etc. etc. --- I am going to probably pursue that avenue, yes!

Even if I never make a dime from "ANON" though, I do want my music to reach a bigger audience!
I am going to ask for help from friends who are kind of in the entertainment industry and I'm going to put a lot more work and elbow grease into my own promoting (with absolutely no money)!
As far as money goes, it was never my biggest goal to be rich beyond belief or live in the lap of luxury!
I would like to be financially comfortable, making a living doing what I love to do instead of being a slave to a system and a faceless minion for big corporations and making sure my momma and my family don't have to struggle and suffer anymore because of the lack of the almighty dollar!

I do want to be taken seriously...I WILL be taken seriously!

But I guess my biggest goal is to be a good person and add something positive to this world...like interesting and new kinds of music - the "ANON LEGACY" if you will.

P> I thank you so much for doing this interview, Anon! I look forward to your new work in 2014!

A> Thank YOU! Peace! [winks]