"I WILL be taken seriously!"

"I WILL be taken seriously!"


P> WHEW! So, on a lighter note! [LOL] [LOL]
How do you make your music and create your videos?

A> IT IS A TEDIOUS PROCEDURE!!! First of all, I have barely any money...like none! My equipment consists of an old guitar (my love), a barely functioning Sony digital camera (what I record EVERYTHING with...music AND video), a little keyboard meant for a 5 year old that I bought at the Goodwill for 5$, an an aging laptop computer and Video Pad Video Editor editing software. That's it! 

Video Pad Video Editor screen for the doomed

Artist Jason C. dances in ANON's new
promotional video
>THE NEW ANON ~ Promotional Video<

The only things I borrow are non copyrighted drum loops from Youtube (if only I had my own professional keyboard - sigh) and some images and video clips from...yep, Youtube that I always pray are not copyrighted! [imitates biting nails nervously] 
But other than that, between me and artist Jason Christopher (Jason C.) - the sets, paintings, lyrics, music and sound/video editing are all done by us!
I collaborate with Jason C. on just about everything!

P> That's impressive!

A> Well, thanks! Everything is recorded separately on the digital camera then it is edited on the software...music first...to create reverb, echos, sound effects...you know...the "magic" ! [smiles]

I'm not going to bad mouth Video Pad for I couldn't do what I do without it but it is so sensitive...so slow...crashes A LOT...but I've managed to make it my bitch! [LOL]

I get an idea for a song, in my head. Sometimes the music ideas will come first then the lyrics or vise versa. I write the lyrics then I start creating all of the layers of the music. Then I sing and record the vocal and all if its layers. Next, the music is uploaded into movie form...then the vocal is uploaded into a separate movie, then both of the movies are uploaded into a complete song (each upload taking about 2 hours). That part is pretty easy.

Then comes the visual (the video) for the song. O...M...G... that is an uber-tedious task!!! Many many overlays! The lip-sync sequences, dance moves, fading transitions, subtitles of the lyrics (just to name a few) have to be matched up to the music. Then the sound has to be taken away and the visual is uploaded as a silent movie which then has to be uploaded yet again, with the vocal and music so there aren't any of those evil sound "blips" which drive me insane!

After the song and its video are complete, I watch it over and over to see if there is anything I have missed...I always find tons of things that "I could've done better" or "I shouldv'e done THAT...THERE" but after the final 2 to 10 hour final uploads, I have to call it done! I call it the "set in stone stage". 

I am a perfectionist too, so working with such crappy equipment is often times very frustrating! But in some ways, the process I have to go through kind of adds an originality to the work and what I do! I guarantee there is nothing else like "ANON" on Youtube! [winks]

My biggest enemy is feedback and background noise...MY ENEMY - I LOATH IT WITH A PASSION!!! I have to work very hard to manipulate the equipment so that awful, constant PPPKKKSSSSSSSSSSSSS isn't present! But in videos like JUST ANOTHER TUESDAY and the end of PERSPECTIVE and HORNY WALK...there are so many audio flaws!

JUST ANOTHER TUESDAY just breaks my heart! It is one of my favorites but an audio nightmare...as was the editing...A NIGHTMARE!!! [sighs] But oh well. I'm getting better at sound manipulation. My dream is to one day have better equipment...even a small recording studio! If I have success in 2014, maybe I can make that dream come true!

Anyway...in a nut shell...that's the process of how my music and videos are made!