"I WILL be taken seriously!"

"I WILL be taken seriously!"


P> Along with the sexy videos and the beautiful ballads, like GAIA and AGAIN, you also have a political side!

A> Yes I do. Well, in the beginning and Season 1 of The Janella Jessica Show, I would write songs that would fit into the episode's subject matter...serious, goofy...whatever the episode called for. As time went on in 2013 though, I noticed that OUTSIDE of the "American Dream - white picket fence facade" things in the country didn't seem to be getting any better! 

I did have many discussions with my mother about it and I decided to dig in and start doing some research. I found a lot of compelling evidence and felt the "Main Stream Media" wasn't covering the "whole story". I started doing hundreds of hours of research. I found that as an American, I felt as though I had been asleep or a "sheep" for my whole life! It was extremely disconcerting, to say the least! 

I still watched MSM from time to time but I also viewed many different "alternative media" people, on the internet, as well. I didn't put all of my faith in them either but I viewed both sides, tried to find the most reputable evidence to back up all of the claims (that's a tough one) and then tried to draw my own intelligent conclusions. 

I don't claim to "know it all" or "have all of the secret answers" but all you have to do is just take a step back from yourself and look around at other people...how they act, how we treat each other...the militarization of the police, people struggling horribly financially...the poverty, the foreclosures...on and on, and you can just "feel" that things are just "not right" , ya know?

The USA of today is NOT the USA I grew up in! But who knows...maybe it's all been a "Truman Show" my whole life! One thing I will tell you though...I am an American and will always be part of the America that stands for FREEDOM! Mega surveillance, being spied on 24/7 and a 'police state' and an overbearing government doesn't feel much like freedom to me! 

ANON in the video for DISSENSION
>Video for DISSENSION<

And as an American AND a human being...I want TRUTH...REAL truth, and an end to all of the needless human suffering that goes on all over this planet!
Hopefully in some small way, my songs will have an impact on people or just help them think outside of the box. Not everyone wants to "wake up" or feel like the USA and the world are not perfect or all that it seems to be and I understand that...I really do! I just want everyone to stop treating each other like shit! 

I am no longer a Democrat, not a Republican, not a conservative, not a liberal...I am a seeker of truth, peace and harmony...I guess that makes me a "humanist"?

P> I feel ya bro! 
In a few of your videos, you do have a rather "anti" Obama sentiment. Can you elaborate on that?

A> In 2007, I was an avid Barack Obama supporter! After 8 long years of ol' DUBYA and the ongoing Iraq war and Katrina and all post 9/11 and the heartache and fear that followed that horrible day and EVERYTHING ELSE, I was ready for Hope and Change! 2001-2007 were some very depressing years. I was ready for a better world and I was thrilled when Obama got elected! 

Also, the "almost financial collapse" happened in 07! Until I started recently extensively studying how the financial systems work in this country and the world, I didn't understand what it was all about! I did though, feel lucky that...even though financially struggling as I always had, most of my adult life...I lived in a nice house (not mine), and had a job (even though a crappy one). 
 Jason C. stars in DISSENSION

Through the years however, leading up to 2012, it didn't seem like things were getting "better" to me. And I started to "learn myself" if you will, about how the whole system really works and I became very angry! To me, it seemed like Presidents and most "leaders" are just puppets for a global elite. And in the case of Obama...yes, I am very disappointed! I don't blame him for EVERYTHING that's wrong but just things like...Um, there are millions and millions of Americans who are in poverty, losing homes, losing jobs, losing everything...losing losing losing and you are taking million dollar vacations left, right and sideways, saw you in the news again-playing golf at an exclusive golf course, and oh ya...isn't the country like 17 TRILLION IN DEBT--and growing? And everyone wants to blame the Republicans and Congress, and Congress SUCKS by the way, but I just expected more integrity, an actual cares about THE PEOPLE kind of president, like he portrayed himself to be in the beginning and in my humble opinion, I just don't see that now and haven't for awhile! 

"Actions speak louder than words" my Grandma always used to say! 
During the recording of IN THE LIGHT & STR8 2 HEAVEN is when I really started to wake up! And when I wrote and recorded DISSENSION, I was truly at an all time high of anger and despair! It is very difficult in this information age to recognize fact from fiction and as I said, I don't claim to know all of the answers but everything in the USA and the world is NOT A-OKAY! 

And I'm an artist so what's on my mind and what's in my heart, comes out in my music and sometimes it is political. When the "NEW ANON" is presented for late 2013 and the year 2014, I'll probably do a lot less political stuff! Who knows though. I digress on politics and world suffering now...it wears my brain out! Sometimes I just want a little pallet house way out in the woods! But I don't think that's my calling...not yet anyway! [winks]