"I WILL be taken seriously!"

"I WILL be taken seriously!"


P> So, why the mask...and what does it symbolize?

A> I am painfully shy actually, believe it or not! Plus, I'm no Jason Statham or Adam Levine. You probably won't be seeing me on the cover of People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" issue any time soon! [LOL]

But when I put the mask on, my creativity starts to flow, it powers the performances and adds to the mystery, I suppose! An all seeing wise eye and a treble clef that represents music. For the 2014 ANON makeover, I'm getting and brand new and improved mask...it was time for an upgrade! [smiles]

P> Speaking of People Magazine's sexiest man issue, [both of us LOL] 
you portray sexiness in quite a few of your videos and songs, for example...
TAKE MY LOVE, LET IT GO, HAPPY...in Happy, you're even naked in that one!

ANON in the video for HappY
>Video for HappY<

A> [LOL] Yes...well it all depends on my mood. If I'm doing a "sexy" song, I want to portray that in my performance in the video as well. But when I do a more serious, sad or political song, I portray THAT too, which often times isn't "sexy". Sex does get attention though and in the vast electronic ocean that is the internet, it's extremely difficult to get noticed...especially when you have no money to promote yourself so the (quote unquote) sexy stuff also serves that purpose too...to grab attention! SEX SELLS as "they" say! [LOL]

And sometimes, I just feel sassy!