"I WILL be taken seriously!"

"I WILL be taken seriously!"

ANON ~ THE INTERVIEW by Paige Jessica

In the vast choppy seas of entertainment these days, be it on television or the internet, The Anonymous Musician ~ ANON - shines like a diamond in the rough and is not just your average joe schmo! 

As I worked with Anon on The Janella Jessica Showand slowly got to know him, I found him to be mysterious, interesting, intelligent, a pretty good music creator and singer and often times dark with a melancholy heart but also a bright, glowing soul. 

I also watched in awe, as Anon's music and videos blossomed over the course of 2013! Like a dirty old canvas in a rain soaked alley just longing to be painted on, to a shiny masterpiece that could proudly hang in a pristine gallery! Since Anon is getting ready to do a makeover and overhaul of his image for 2014 to prepare for a 'different kind of music career' - we thought an interview with the all seeing eye, mask wearing phenomenon would be an interesting adventure! 

I met with ANON at the basement studios of TWENTY SOUTH PRODUCTIONS. He walked in, coffee in one hand and cigarette blazing in the other, in a black turtleneck and his signature lightning bolt bling, to have what turned out to be a very in depth and interesting conversation!  It went a little somethin' like this! >>>


P> Good Morning! I guess I'll call you, MISTER Anon? 

A> [laughs] Just ANON will be fine!

P> So, let me start by saying that I truly enjoy your music and videos!

A> Thank you! That means a lot!!

P> How did you get your name?

A> Well.....when I was hired to be the musical producer of The Janella Jessica Show in January of 2013, I wanted to portray a man of mystery, anonymity, less ego and more musician so...The Anonymous Musician was born! And as time passed, everyone just called me ANON. Of course, if you google my name to find my Youtube channel or websites, mostly the hacktivist group Anonymous comes up..grrrr...but I am in no way associated with that group! [laughs]

I don't even know if it's a copyrighted name, The Anonymous Musician or ANON, or if I'll ever even be able to copyright it for myself but...it is my name now!

P> The Janella Jessica Show is kind of how you got your start. What was it like doing the show and why did the show even exist?

Pencil drawing of the cast of The Janella Jessica Show
by artist Jason C.

A> The fictitious entity of Janella Jessica wanted to start a Youtube Sensation and maybe earn a few bucks via Google Adsense. We heard of success stories like people making six figures a year per their millions and millions of views on each video they did...bla bla bla. We didn't have any money to work with so we relied on support of friends and word of mouth...and we got almost no support at all! We had a few dedicated fans and we were so gratful for them but it just wasn't enough to get the show off of the ground!

 We researched and researched all the available information on the "how to-s" of getting millions of views without having money for any promotion...it just didn't work. TJJS was a variety show of sorts with various plastic dolls and story lines, poetry and of course...my music...but I think the ENTIRE channel's views (60+ videos) has less than 3,000 views to date. One single video with less than 3,000 views is considered sad, so that number with 60+ videos (an entire channel) is beyond sad! 

But, I would not have discovered my calling in life (music and video making) if the show had never existed so it did serve a purpose! It was FUNNY too, it really was. I believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason though!

P> Indeed...me too!


P> So, why the mask...and what does it symbolize?

A> I am painfully shy actually, believe it or not! Plus, I'm no Jason Statham or Adam Levine. You probably won't be seeing me on the cover of People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive" issue any time soon! [LOL]

But when I put the mask on, my creativity starts to flow, it powers the performances and adds to the mystery, I suppose! An all seeing wise eye and a treble clef that represents music. For the 2014 ANON makeover, I'm getting and brand new and improved mask...it was time for an upgrade! [smiles]

P> Speaking of People Magazine's sexiest man issue, [both of us LOL] 
you portray sexiness in quite a few of your videos and songs, for example...
TAKE MY LOVE, LET IT GO, HAPPY...in Happy, you're even naked in that one!

ANON in the video for HappY
>Video for HappY<

A> [LOL] Yes...well it all depends on my mood. If I'm doing a "sexy" song, I want to portray that in my performance in the video as well. But when I do a more serious, sad or political song, I portray THAT too, which often times isn't "sexy". Sex does get attention though and in the vast electronic ocean that is the internet, it's extremely difficult to get noticed...especially when you have no money to promote yourself so the (quote unquote) sexy stuff also serves that purpose too...to grab attention! SEX SELLS as "they" say! [LOL]

And sometimes, I just feel sassy! 


P> Along with the sexy videos and the beautiful ballads, like GAIA and AGAIN, you also have a political side!

A> Yes I do. Well, in the beginning and Season 1 of The Janella Jessica Show, I would write songs that would fit into the episode's subject matter...serious, goofy...whatever the episode called for. As time went on in 2013 though, I noticed that OUTSIDE of the "American Dream - white picket fence facade" things in the country didn't seem to be getting any better! 

I did have many discussions with my mother about it and I decided to dig in and start doing some research. I found a lot of compelling evidence and felt the "Main Stream Media" wasn't covering the "whole story". I started doing hundreds of hours of research. I found that as an American, I felt as though I had been asleep or a "sheep" for my whole life! It was extremely disconcerting, to say the least! 

I still watched MSM from time to time but I also viewed many different "alternative media" people, on the internet, as well. I didn't put all of my faith in them either but I viewed both sides, tried to find the most reputable evidence to back up all of the claims (that's a tough one) and then tried to draw my own intelligent conclusions. 

I don't claim to "know it all" or "have all of the secret answers" but all you have to do is just take a step back from yourself and look around at other people...how they act, how we treat each other...the militarization of the police, people struggling horribly financially...the poverty, the foreclosures...on and on, and you can just "feel" that things are just "not right" , ya know?

The USA of today is NOT the USA I grew up in! But who knows...maybe it's all been a "Truman Show" my whole life! One thing I will tell you though...I am an American and will always be part of the America that stands for FREEDOM! Mega surveillance, being spied on 24/7 and a 'police state' and an overbearing government doesn't feel much like freedom to me! 

ANON in the video for DISSENSION
>Video for DISSENSION<

And as an American AND a human being...I want TRUTH...REAL truth, and an end to all of the needless human suffering that goes on all over this planet!
Hopefully in some small way, my songs will have an impact on people or just help them think outside of the box. Not everyone wants to "wake up" or feel like the USA and the world are not perfect or all that it seems to be and I understand that...I really do! I just want everyone to stop treating each other like shit! 

I am no longer a Democrat, not a Republican, not a conservative, not a liberal...I am a seeker of truth, peace and harmony...I guess that makes me a "humanist"?

P> I feel ya bro! 
In a few of your videos, you do have a rather "anti" Obama sentiment. Can you elaborate on that?

A> In 2007, I was an avid Barack Obama supporter! After 8 long years of ol' DUBYA and the ongoing Iraq war and Katrina and all post 9/11 and the heartache and fear that followed that horrible day and EVERYTHING ELSE, I was ready for Hope and Change! 2001-2007 were some very depressing years. I was ready for a better world and I was thrilled when Obama got elected! 

Also, the "almost financial collapse" happened in 07! Until I started recently extensively studying how the financial systems work in this country and the world, I didn't understand what it was all about! I did though, feel lucky that...even though financially struggling as I always had, most of my adult life...I lived in a nice house (not mine), and had a job (even though a crappy one). 
 Jason C. stars in DISSENSION

Through the years however, leading up to 2012, it didn't seem like things were getting "better" to me. And I started to "learn myself" if you will, about how the whole system really works and I became very angry! To me, it seemed like Presidents and most "leaders" are just puppets for a global elite. And in the case of Obama...yes, I am very disappointed! I don't blame him for EVERYTHING that's wrong but just things like...Um, there are millions and millions of Americans who are in poverty, losing homes, losing jobs, losing everything...losing losing losing and you are taking million dollar vacations left, right and sideways, saw you in the news again-playing golf at an exclusive golf course, and oh ya...isn't the country like 17 TRILLION IN DEBT--and growing? And everyone wants to blame the Republicans and Congress, and Congress SUCKS by the way, but I just expected more integrity, an actual cares about THE PEOPLE kind of president, like he portrayed himself to be in the beginning and in my humble opinion, I just don't see that now and haven't for awhile! 

"Actions speak louder than words" my Grandma always used to say! 
During the recording of IN THE LIGHT & STR8 2 HEAVEN is when I really started to wake up! And when I wrote and recorded DISSENSION, I was truly at an all time high of anger and despair! It is very difficult in this information age to recognize fact from fiction and as I said, I don't claim to know all of the answers but everything in the USA and the world is NOT A-OKAY! 

And I'm an artist so what's on my mind and what's in my heart, comes out in my music and sometimes it is political. When the "NEW ANON" is presented for late 2013 and the year 2014, I'll probably do a lot less political stuff! Who knows though. I digress on politics and world suffering now...it wears my brain out! Sometimes I just want a little pallet house way out in the woods! But I don't think that's my calling...not yet anyway! [winks]


P> WHEW! So, on a lighter note! [LOL] [LOL]
How do you make your music and create your videos?

A> IT IS A TEDIOUS PROCEDURE!!! First of all, I have barely any money...like none! My equipment consists of an old guitar (my love), a barely functioning Sony digital camera (what I record EVERYTHING with...music AND video), a little keyboard meant for a 5 year old that I bought at the Goodwill for 5$, an an aging laptop computer and Video Pad Video Editor editing software. That's it! 

Video Pad Video Editor screen for the doomed

Artist Jason C. dances in ANON's new
promotional video
>THE NEW ANON ~ Promotional Video<

The only things I borrow are non copyrighted drum loops from Youtube (if only I had my own professional keyboard - sigh) and some images and video clips from...yep, Youtube that I always pray are not copyrighted! [imitates biting nails nervously] 
But other than that, between me and artist Jason Christopher (Jason C.) - the sets, paintings, lyrics, music and sound/video editing are all done by us!
I collaborate with Jason C. on just about everything!

P> That's impressive!

A> Well, thanks! Everything is recorded separately on the digital camera then it is edited on the software...music first...to create reverb, echos, sound effects...you know...the "magic" ! [smiles]

I'm not going to bad mouth Video Pad for I couldn't do what I do without it but it is so sensitive...so slow...crashes A LOT...but I've managed to make it my bitch! [LOL]

I get an idea for a song, in my head. Sometimes the music ideas will come first then the lyrics or vise versa. I write the lyrics then I start creating all of the layers of the music. Then I sing and record the vocal and all if its layers. Next, the music is uploaded into movie form...then the vocal is uploaded into a separate movie, then both of the movies are uploaded into a complete song (each upload taking about 2 hours). That part is pretty easy.

Then comes the visual (the video) for the song. O...M...G... that is an uber-tedious task!!! Many many overlays! The lip-sync sequences, dance moves, fading transitions, subtitles of the lyrics (just to name a few) have to be matched up to the music. Then the sound has to be taken away and the visual is uploaded as a silent movie which then has to be uploaded yet again, with the vocal and music so there aren't any of those evil sound "blips" which drive me insane!

After the song and its video are complete, I watch it over and over to see if there is anything I have missed...I always find tons of things that "I could've done better" or "I shouldv'e done THAT...THERE" but after the final 2 to 10 hour final uploads, I have to call it done! I call it the "set in stone stage". 

I am a perfectionist too, so working with such crappy equipment is often times very frustrating! But in some ways, the process I have to go through kind of adds an originality to the work and what I do! I guarantee there is nothing else like "ANON" on Youtube! [winks]

My biggest enemy is feedback and background noise...MY ENEMY - I LOATH IT WITH A PASSION!!! I have to work very hard to manipulate the equipment so that awful, constant PPPKKKSSSSSSSSSSSSS isn't present! But in videos like JUST ANOTHER TUESDAY and the end of PERSPECTIVE and HORNY WALK...there are so many audio flaws!

JUST ANOTHER TUESDAY just breaks my heart! It is one of my favorites but an audio nightmare...as was the editing...A NIGHTMARE!!! [sighs] But oh well. I'm getting better at sound manipulation. My dream is to one day have better equipment...even a small recording studio! If I have success in 2014, maybe I can make that dream come true!

Anyway...in a nut shell...that's the process of how my music and videos are made!


P> So, who are your favorite artists? Who do you look up to, who inspires you?

A> Wow! That's such a tough question! There are so many!
Well, PINK...I adore her! She seems so honest, so true to herself and her art and I love that about her! Actually, I'm going to do a song for and about her pretty soon!

Jason C's favorite is Madonna! I love her too. She is a massive inspiration for both of us!

Lady Gaga is a great performer! She's a little "out there" but many people say I am too so I can't judge! [smiles]

Um...I mean...Prince, MJ, Whitney Houston, Cyndi Lauper, Stevie Nicks, Justin Timberlake, Eva Cassidy, Beth Orton, Alanis Morissette, Jill Scott...UGH, there's just soooo many! So many that inspire me! 

I will say that I am a huge fan of the 70's - 80's - and early to mid 1990's - music wise!
>ANON's Retrospective Video<


P> Well, I imagine that you're tired of me asking you a million questions and hearing the sound of my voice!

A> I'm enjoying this, actually!

P> I'll bring this interview to a close with one last question. What are your goals for 2014 and the "NEW ANON" - Post Janella Jessica Show?

A> To tell you the truth...I'm not sure! [LOL]
I would love to have a following! I desire what all artists desire I think: acceptance, appreciation and recognition for my talent. On the other hand, I am some what of a rebel so my own brain contradicts itself on a daily basis!
I know I'm never going to be some huge rock star with a record company who tours (touring = YUK for me) but that was never my goal!

I have arrived late in life, to this music thing but it is my passion now! And I know I don't have the greatest singing voice, not the best dancer, not a legendary composer or guitarist - but I am confident that I do have something to offer this world - music and videos to make people think, feel good and embrace LIFE...while I'm still here and after I leave this body one day!
Would I like to earn money from some sort of ANON franchise? Yes, of course! Am I going to be able to sell my songs? Who knows...probably not. Would I like to be able to sell ANON merchandise like shirts, art, clothes, etc. etc. --- I am going to probably pursue that avenue, yes!

Even if I never make a dime from "ANON" though, I do want my music to reach a bigger audience!
I am going to ask for help from friends who are kind of in the entertainment industry and I'm going to put a lot more work and elbow grease into my own promoting (with absolutely no money)!
As far as money goes, it was never my biggest goal to be rich beyond belief or live in the lap of luxury!
I would like to be financially comfortable, making a living doing what I love to do instead of being a slave to a system and a faceless minion for big corporations and making sure my momma and my family don't have to struggle and suffer anymore because of the lack of the almighty dollar!

I do want to be taken seriously...I WILL be taken seriously!

But I guess my biggest goal is to be a good person and add something positive to this world...like interesting and new kinds of music - the "ANON LEGACY" if you will.

P> I thank you so much for doing this interview, Anon! I look forward to your new work in 2014!

A> Thank YOU! Peace! [winks]